Apr 26, 2021
Jesus not only healed a leper but he touched him in the process. No one ever touched a leper. Jesus’ love and concern for the sick was more important than complying to social norms, laws, or customs. The followers of Jesus have an incredible legacy of caring for the sick that we must continue.
Apr 19, 2021
When Jesus turned over the tables in the temple he specifically targeted those who were selling pigeons. Pigeons were the sacrifice of the poor. The same sacrifice Mary and Joseph had to make when Jesus was dedicated at the temple. Jesus was for those who were being taken advantage of.
Apr 12, 2021
When Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ house he was criticized for it but Jesus was driven by his clear mission to seek and save the lost. Jesus was for Zacchaeus.
Apr 5, 2021
The greatest miracle Jesus ever performed was freeing the world from the power of sin. Changing and cleaning out the human heart is a monumental task and Jesus proved he is up for the challenge.