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Jul 31, 2017

Like a skilled gardener, once the Holy Spirit takes up residence in the heart of a person, he begins to cultivate and grow God-like characteristics that benefit us. It’s a life-long partnership that destroys the effects of sin in our lives. The Spirit also equips every believer with a supernatural ability that...

Jul 17, 2017

Jesus promised his followers that he would not abandon them, but that someone better than himself would come and live in them. The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood and neglected member of the Trinity. In this message we will get acquainted with who the Holy Spirit is and where he came from. (John...

Jul 10, 2017

Power (II Corinthians 12:7-10)—We live in a world that seems to have an unquenchable thirst for status. Everyone wants to be accepted by someone, but many people are losing their identity for the sake of being liked. It takes courage to be meek, to use power and position for the good of others. (Guide Words—courage,...

Jul 3, 2017

  • Money (I Timothy 6:6-10)—There are some things money can’t buy. In fact, there are a lot of things. Understanding that is the key to contentment. In this message we’ll look at some myths about money, then talk about how to live the best possible life on this planet. (Guide Words—contentment, happiness,...