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Oct 29, 2018

Born between the years 1965-1980, this generation grew up in the most exciting and eclectic decade in pop culture history—the 80’s. However, the collapse of the Berlin wall and the explosion of the space shuttle became metaphors for what happened to the American family. Divorce rates reached an all-time high leaving...

Oct 22, 2018

Born between the years 1946-1964, this generation grew up in the most optimistic time in U.S. history (the 1950’s), only to live through the chaos of the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and a presidential resignation in their teens and twenties. Breaking from the traditional value system of their parents,...

Oct 15, 2018

Born before 1945, this generation has been called the “greatest generation” because it endured The Great Depression, World War II, and put a man on the moon. A large percentage of them grew up on a farm, so a good work ethic was instilled in them at a young age. They are financially conservative and deeply committed...

Oct 8, 2018

A wedding is a joyful picture and the beginning of a loving commitment between two people for life. Ask any older couple that has been married for decades and they will tell you that love gets better and deeper with time. That’s why one of the metaphors for heaven is a wedding party. When we finally enter into the...

Oct 1, 2018

If we are going to live out God’s intention for a marriage, we have to be well-versed in the roles he designed for us. Problems typically arise in a relationship when someone neglects what they’re supposed to be doing for their spouse. But when husbands and wives sacrifice for one another and serve one another,...