Jun 25, 2018
In the ancient world, donkeys were used for carrying heavy loads, but were not considered a dignified animal. But that changed when Jesus chose to ride one into Jerusalem as fulfillment of prophecy related to his identity as King. In this sermon we will look at how Jesus demonstrates his authority and power in a...
Jun 18, 2018
In order for God to give us new life, there has to be a payment of death for our sin. And thousands of years before Jesus arrived on the scene, God gave humanity a glimpse of the protection a blood sacrifice would provide. In this sermon we will explore the story of the first Passover in Egypt and how the blood of a...
Jun 11, 2018
Adam and Eve were deceived when Satan convinced them they didn’t need God. We continue to fall prey to the same deception today and the implications for our lives and the world we live in are devastating. In this message we will examine Satan’s real identity, his predictable tactics, and how to fight him when he...
Jun 4, 2018
Life is hard and full of so many unexpected and unpleasant experiences. As a result, there are so many people in central Kentucky and around the world who feel like they’ve had the wind knocked out of them and need someone to fight for them. In this message we will take a look at our strategy for reaching people...