Feb 28, 2022
Jesus gave his disciples marching orders over 2,000 years ago and those orders have remained the same. We are commanded to go everywhere in the name of Jesus to introduce people to Jesus.
Feb 21, 2022
The Church is a family and a family shares life together in all circumstances. The early church lived with a generous spirit and it was attractive to outsiders. As God’s children, we should continue that legacy today.
Feb 14, 2022
John was known as the “disciple Jesus loved.” It’s no wonder that in I John he uses the word “beloved” to describe all of us who are in relationship with Jesus. This revolutionary love transforms our entire lives.
Feb 7, 2022
The world changed the day the Holy Spirit was unleashed on the world. As the followers of Jesus we have access to a source of power that exceeds anything this world can generate on its own. In this message we will look at how the Holy Spirit still wants to empower us to accomplish God’s mission on earth.