Apr 29, 2019
We live in a world soaked with worry. Everything from the economy to terrorism to cancer has the potential to keep us up at night. In this message we will examine what Jesus had to say about worry and how we can trust him to take good care of us.
Apr 22, 2019
Jesus’ resurrection isn’t the end of the story, rather it is a picture of what will someday happen to us. In this message, we will learn that our baptism is a symbol of His resurrection work in our lives.
Apr 15, 2019
God used Moses to purchase his people back from their slaveholders. He paid the ransom for them and in doing so, secured their freedom. In this message, we will see how Jesus paid the ultimate price for our freedom with his very blood.
Apr 8, 2019
Joseph’s circumstances parallel and foreshadow Jesus’ in so many ways. He was sold out by those closest to him. He was accused of something he was entirely innocent of and condemned for it. But God used his circumstances to accomplish reconciliation with his family. In this message we will learn that Jesus...
Apr 1, 2019
Boaz redeemed Ruth and Naomi from dire circumstances. One woman trapped in bitterness and another that was hopeless were both brought into a family because of Boaz’ kindness. In this message we will see that Jesus is a new and better redeemer who rescues us from spiritual poverty and includes us in his family.